Like I said I'd like to have some of these done for a game tomorrow. Come to think of it actually I bought a load of telephone poles from one of my flgs that's closing down, so I could see how many of those I could do before Tuesday (run them alongside the highway). Hmn, but I may see what I can do about the modular streets anyway. screw you craft supply store for only placing orders once a month.
So to do then? I'd like to work on more pavements, but I'm out of plasticard till Friday because. ^^'Īh, as I won't be keeping these myself I can get away with having more Cookie Monster graffiti. Don't worry, that friend can't spell for gak either. I caught that spelling mistake as soon as I did it.
Hmn, I may see if one of the guys at my club wants these actually, as he's been bugging me for the past year for some.
I flung together a set of fences as well. Need more graffiti? I can see myself going over them again a bit. Outdoor toilet (courtesy of Dr H), how à la mode. I had these done earlier, but there was a wean running about my house all day yesterday intent on destroying these things. Aye I painted up those shacks that I was making.